Status: Species: Common Name: Last Update:

Offline Addax nasomaculatus Addax -----
Offline Aepyceros melampus Impala -----
Offline Alcelaphus buselaphus Hartebeest -----
Offline Ammodorcas clarkei Dibatag -----
Offline Ammotragus lervia Aoudad -----
Offline Antidorcas marsupialis Springbok -----
Offline Antilope cervicapra Blackbuck -----
Offline Bison bison American Bison -----
Offline Bison bonasus European Bison -----
Offline Bos frontalis Gaur -----
Offline Bos grunniens Yak -----
Offline Bos javanicus Banteng -----
Offline Bos sauveli Kouprey -----
Offline Bos taurus Aurochs -----
Offline Boselaphus tragocamelus Nilgai -----
Offline Bubalus bubalis Water Buffalo -----
Offline Bubalus depressicornis Anoa -----
Offline Bubalus mephistopheles Short-Horned Water Buffalo -----
Offline Bubalus mindorensis Tamaraw -----
Offline Bubalus quarlesi Mountain Anoa -----
Offline Budorcas taxicolor Takin -----
Offline Capra caucasica West Caucasian Tur -----
Offline Capra cylindricornis East Caucasian Tur -----
Offline Capra falconeri Markhor -----
Offline Capra hircus Domestic Goat -----
Offline Capra ibex Ibex -----
Offline Capra nubiana Nubian Ibex -----
Offline Capra pyrenaica Spanish Ibex -----
Offline Capra sibirica Siberian Ibex -----
Offline Capra walie Walia Ibex -----
Offline Cephalophus adersi Aders's Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus callipygus Peters's Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus dorsalis Bay Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus harveyi Harvey's Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus jentinki Jentink's Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus leucogaster White-Bellied Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus maxwellii Maxwell's Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus monticola Blue Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus natalensis Natal Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus niger Black Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus nigrifrons Black-Fronted Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus ogilbyi Ogilby's Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus rubidus Ruwenzori Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus rufilatus Red-Flanked Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus silvicultor Yellow-Backed Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus spadix Abbott's Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus weynsi Weyns's Duiker -----
Offline Cephalophus zebra Zebra Duiker -----
Offline Connochaetes gnou Black Wildebeest -----
Offline Connochaetes taurinus Blue Wildebeest -----
Offline Damaliscus hunteri Hirola -----
Offline Damaliscus lunatus Topi -----
Offline Damaliscus pygargus Bontebok -----
Offline Dorcatragus megalotis Beira -----
Offline Gazella arabica Arabian Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella bennettii Indian Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella bilkis Queen Of Sheba's Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella cuvieri Cuvier's Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella dama Dama Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella dorcas Dorcas Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella gazella Mountain Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella granti Grant's Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella leptoceros Rhim Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella rufifrons Red-Fronted Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella rufina Red Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella saudiya Saudi Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella soemmerringii Sömmerring's Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella spekei Speke's Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella subgutturosa Goitered Gazelle -----
Offline Gazella thomsonii Thomson's Gazelle -----
Offline Hemitragus hylocrius Nilgiri Tahr -----
Offline Hemitragus jayakari Arabian Tahr -----
Offline Hemitragus jemlahicus Himalayan Tahr -----
Offline Hippotragus equinus Roan Antelope -----
Offline Hippotragus leucophaeus Blue Buck -----
Offline Hippotragus niger Sable Antelope -----
Offline Kobus ellipsiprymnus Waterbuck -----
Offline Kobus kob Kob -----
Offline Kobus leche Lechwe -----
Offline Kobus megaceros Nile Lechwe -----
Offline Kobus vardonii Puku -----
Offline Litocranius walleri Gerenuk -----
Offline Madoqua guentheri Günther's Dik-Dik -----
Offline Madoqua kirkii Kirk's Dik-Dik -----
Offline Madoqua piacentinii Silver Dik-Dik -----
Offline Madoqua saltiana Salt's Dik-Dik -----
Offline Naemorhedus baileyi Red Goral -----
Offline Naemorhedus caudatus Chinese Goral -----
Offline Naemorhedus crispus Japanese Serow -----
Offline Naemorhedus goral Goral -----
Offline Naemorhedus sumatraensis Serow -----
Offline Naemorhedus swinhoei Taiwan Serow -----
Offline Neotragus batesi Dwarf Antelope -----
Offline Neotragus moschatus Suni -----
Offline Neotragus pygmeus Royal Antelope -----
Offline Oreamnos americanus Mountain Goat -----
Offline Oreotragus oreotragus Klipspringer -----
Offline Oryx dammah Scimitar-Horned Oryx -----
Offline Oryx gazella Gemsbok -----
Offline Oryx leucoryx Arabian Oryx -----
Offline Ourebia ourebi Oribi -----
Offline Ovibos moschatus Muskox -----
Offline Ovis ammon Argali -----
Offline Ovis aries Mouflon -----
Offline Ovis canadensis Bighorn Sheep -----
Offline Ovis dalli Dall's Sheep -----
Offline Ovis nivicola Snow Sheep -----
Offline Ovis vignei Urial -----
Offline Pantholops hodgsonii Chiru -----
Offline Pelea capreolus Common Rhebok -----
Offline Procapra gutturosa Mongolian Gazelle -----
Offline Procapra picticaudata Tibetan Gazelle -----
Offline Procapra przewalskii Przewalski's Gazelle -----
Offline Pseudois nayaur Bharal -----
Offline Pseudois schaeferi Dwarf Bharal -----
Offline Raphicerus campestris Steenbok -----
Offline Raphicerus melanotis Cape Grysbok -----
Offline Raphicerus sharpei Sharpe's Grysbok -----
Offline Redunca arundinum Southern Reedbuck -----
Offline Redunca fulvorufula Mountain Reedbuck -----
Offline Redunca redunca Bohar Reedbuck -----
Offline Rupicapra pyrenaica Pyrenean Chamois -----
Offline Rupicapra rupicapra Chamois -----
Offline Saiga tatarica Saiga -----
Offline Sigmoceros lichtensteinii Lichtenstein's Hartebeest -----
Offline Sylvicapra grimmia Bush Duiker -----
Offline Syncerus caffer African Buffalo -----
Offline Taurotragus derbianus Giant Eland -----
Offline Taurotragus oryx Eland -----
Offline Tetracerus quadricornis Four-Horned Antelope -----
Offline Tragelaphus angasii Nyala -----
Offline Tragelaphus buxtoni Mountain Nyala -----
Offline Tragelaphus eurycerus Bongo -----
Offline Tragelaphus imberbis Lesser Kudu -----
Offline Tragelaphus scriptus Bushbuck -----
Offline Tragelaphus spekii Sitatunga -----
Offline Tragelaphus strepsiceros Greater Kudu -----

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Additions?
Please contact The Virtual Zoo Staff

Database Last Updated: 31 Dec 1969

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This page reprinted from Copyright © 2025 Andrew S. Harris.

The Virtual Zoo, San Jose, CA 95125, USA